Allison Stieger's life took a transformative turn when she embarked on a journey to India, seeking a connection with the goddess Kali. Feeling stuck in the "land of the dead" after significant weight loss surgery, she realized she needed a …
Nadia Carta shares her journey of leaving her small island home in Sardinia, Italy and breaking free from the limitations imposed by her religion on this episode of The Life Shift Podcast. The conversation explores themes of self-discovery, manifesting-dreams, and …
Adam Coelho shares his powerful journey to mindfulness and entrepreneurship. He discusses the transformative power of mindfulness and the importance of being aware of the stories we tell ourselves. By becoming more mindful, Adam could recognize his inner critic and …
Mathilde Bernard Funderburk arrived in the United States with two suitcases and a heart full of hope. "I still feel like that sometimes where I need to live this life for him. I need to go through these things that …
Rob Cressy went from selling advertising on an obituary website to becoming a self-aware, growth-minded sports creator by design, not by default. This mindset helped him survive a near-death experience during a marathon run.
Jenny Wood was on a mission to find her husband. She was riding the subway home from work and saw a good-looking guy standing across from her. She thought to herself, "If he gets off at my stop, then I'll …
In this episode, I talk to my friend Jenna about when she was five months pregnant with her first daughter; she and her husband quit their corporate jobs, sold everything they owned, and downsized to a travel trailer to travel …
In this episode, I host my new connection, Kelly Anderson. Kelly and I met through LinkedIn, but as you will notice through the conversation, we found a strong connection through the discussion about her pivotal moments. In this episode, Kelly …
In this episode, I am joined by my friend David Toback, a voice actor and creator of the GVAA Rate Guide used by non-union voice actors. In our conversation, we talk about how a collection of shifts in his life …
Sometimes all you need is a kick in the pants to find your life's purpose, even if it’s a spiritual one. My friend Ana Reina joins The Life Shift podcast to discuss how a meditation and spiritual reading session kicked …