What if that pivotal moment was just the beginning?

Career Episodes

Sept. 8, 2023

External Validation & the Courage to Pursue Wildest Dreams | LOLO Pri…

LOLO Pritchard, a talented songwriter and performer, shares her inspiring story, filled with passion, determination, and the courage to pursue her wildest dreams. "Your voice is so powerful. And it's so important to use it because that's how we make change in the world." - Lolo Pritchard.

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Aug. 8, 2023

Unmasking Vulnerability: From Achieving Goals to Embracing Emotional …

Newton Cheng, Director of Health and Performance at Google, world champion competitive powerlifter, and father, shares his story of growing up in a traditional Asian American family and feeling the pressure to achieve success by checking all the boxes. He talks about how this pressure led him to pi…

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April 18, 2023

From Chasing Success to Prioritizing Self-Care: A Life-Changing Journ…

In this episode of The Life Shift Podcast, Matt LeBris shares his journey of chasing external success, the attention that comes with it, and how he shifted his focus to internal growth.

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March 14, 2023

Our Stories Create Our Reality | Adam Coelho

Adam Coelho shares his powerful journey to mindfulness and entrepreneurship. He discusses the transformative power of mindfulness and the importance of being aware of the stories we tell ourselves. By becoming more mindful, Adam could recognize his inner critic and critical mindset, which helped hi…

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Feb. 28, 2023

Building Confidence and Finding Fulfillment | Bernie Borges

In this episode, we explore Bernie’s incredible journey from growing up in New York City to self-funding his education to building confidence and achieving great success. "I absolutely wanted to prove everybody wrong. And so it really was kind of like a blessing in disguise because I really want…

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Feb. 14, 2023

From Youth Pastor to Professional Speaker: Achieving Success Through …

In this episode of the podcast, we discussed the importance of hard work and dedication when it comes to achieving success. We heard Grant Baldwin's inspiring story of how he landed his first gig and how much legwork he put in to make it happen.

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Dec. 20, 2022

Charting a Career Path Against the Grain and Bringing Stories to Life…

After being forced to abandon his dream of becoming a police officer, Wayne Partello, a young, ambitious entrepreneur, is confronted with a daunting challenge: to prove himself without a college degree in the cutthroat world of media and professional sports. "You have control of your story. It's…

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Dec. 6, 2022

From Public to Private: This Teacher's Story of Finding Fulfillment |…

Jackie Scully reflects on her decision to leave her teaching job in Hawaii during the recession to return to Pennsylvania, only to find the job market for teachers just as difficult. "I was kicking myself. I was like, what did I do? This is not the life I want to live.”

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Sept. 27, 2022

Building Skills to Quit a Career and Live on Your Own Terms | Cory Ke…

Listen as Cory tells us about the breadcrumbs throughout his life that he regularly came back to and built upon (building skills), ultimately leading to starting his own business designing websites and producing short films with his best friend (live on your own terms).

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